Listed Buildings in Hyndburn

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Listed Building Consent

Listed Building Consent is the control mechanism by which listed buildings are protected.

It is necessary to obtain Listed Building Consent for any works of demolition or for alterations or extensions to a listed building which affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest. Even relatively minor works, both internal and external are likely to need consent and you are therefore advised to contact the Conservation Officer before carrying out any works to a listed building.

Works which require Listed Building Consent include the following items. This is not, however, a comprehensive list. You should always check first.

Demolition – The removal of any part of the listed building (including chimneys) and some objects and structures within the curtilage of the listed building will require Listed Building Consent.

Extensions – All forms of extensions including porches, dormer windows and conservatories will require Listed Building Consent. Any extensions must be of appropriate scale and design constructed with suitable materials and with careful attention paid to detail.

External Alterations – External works, which include external decorative alterations, will require Listed Building Consent. These include –

  • New, replacement or double glazed windows
  • New or replacement doors
  • New rendering, painting or cladding or the removal of existing
  • New roofing materials
  • The insertion of roof lights
  • Large areas of repointing

Internal Alterations – Many interior alterations will also require Listed Building Consent, such as the removal of and alteration to all features of historic value and may include:

  • Staircases
  • Internal Walls
  • Wall panelling and window shutters
  • Fireplaces
  • Doors
  • Plasterwork and woodwork mouldings

Minor Works – Some minor additions will require Listed Building Consent when they affect the character of a listed building. These include:

  • Satellite dishes
  • External lighting
  • Shutters
  • Door furniture
  • Alarm Boxes
  • Nameplates
  • Infra red detectors
  • Signs and advertisements
  • External meter boxes
  • Central heating and other flues