Hyndburn’s New Local Plan

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This consultation is now closed.

Public Consultation February 2024 to March 2024

Hyndburn Borough Council are preparing a new Local Plan which will provide updated strategic policies and identify new development allocations, including those for residential and employment uses.  We are currently consulting on the Regulation 19 version of the Local Plan, also known as the “Publication” Plan, which is the version of the Plan which we intend to submit to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination.

Hyndburn Borough Council are consulting on the Local Plan between Monday 12 February 2024 and Monday 25 March 2024 (closing at 5:00pm)

Regulation 19 Publication (Pre-submission) Version Local Plan Consultation

View the Local Plan areas as an online map

Statement of representations procedure

Integrated Impact Assessment including Sustainability Appraisal, Health Impact Assessment and Equalities Impact Assessment)

Integrated Impact Assessment Appendices

Habitats Regulation Assessment Screening Report

Evidence Base and Supporting Documents

Online Representation form

You can also download a blank form here

To make sure your representation is given as much consideration as possible please try to express your comments in relation to the following 4 tests that a planning inspector will assess the Local Plan against:

  1. The Local Plan should assess Hyndburn’s needs, values and what is considered to be appropriate development so it’s clear to developers what the Borough is looking for in terms of development. This is the positively prepared test.
  2. The Local Plan should be based on reliable evidence. It should provide the most appropriate plan when considered against reasonable alternatives Supporting documents are made available under the evidence base link below. This is the justified test.
  3. The Local Plan should be deliverable, feasible and realistic. This is what is meant by the effective test that the planning inspector will assess the plan against.
  4. The Local Plan should conform and be in line with national policy. The planning inspector will check if the Local Plan says something different to national planning policies

If you consider that the Local Plan does or does not meet the tests of soundness we want to hear from you. Get involved by completing our representation form by 5:00pm on Monday 25 March 2024.

The timetable for the preparation of the Local Plan has been published in an updated Local Development Scheme: The Local Development Scheme for 2024-2027

Previous Consultation (November 2022):

Hyndburn Borough Council consulted on the Regulation 19 Proposed Submission Version Local Plan between November 2022 and 18 January 2023

For more information about previous consultation on the emerging Local Plan and to view the current Adopted Local Plan(s), click on the links below: