Hyndburn’s New Local Plan

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The new Local Plan sets out where new development can be allocated, how much affordable housing should be built and where new schools, road upgrades or health provision will need to be provided to support that. It also includes policies to address the causes and potential impacts of climate change.

This Proposed Submission documentation is the current stage of the new Local Plan in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. It takes into account previous consultation feedback along with evidence studies.

Taking into account the feedback received to previous consultations we have drafted a ‘Proposed Submission Version Local Plan. This document is intended to be submitted to the Government Planning Inspectorate for examination.

Representations from this stage will be submitted with the Proposed Submission Version Local Plan for consideration by a Government appointed independent Planning Inspector.

It was initially envisaged that the Local Plan would comprise 4 key Development Plan Documents (DPDs) and progress made on that basis as follows:

  1. The Core Strategy DPD (first adopted 19 January 2012, now subject to review – currently in preparation*)
  2. The Accrington Area Action Plan DPD (adopted 19 January 2012)
  3. The Development Management DPD (adopted 11 January 2018); and
  4. The Site Allocations DPD – currently in preparation*

*Since 2021 the Core Strategy Review and the Site Allocations DPD are being taken forward as a single plan: Hyndburn Local Plan 2037 (Strategic Policies and Site Allocations).

The timetable for production of the Local Plan is set out in the Council’s latest Local Development Scheme (LDS) published in January 2024.

Previous Local Plan Preparation Stages

The Council undertakes studies and gathers information relating to a wide range of matters to inform the preparation of the Local Plan and these are available to view click here

Previous Public Consultation stages – Core Strategy Review and Site Allocations DPD (all now closed)

Previous stages of public consultation on both the Core Strategy Review and Site Allocations DPDs as part of ‘Preparation’ of the plan under Regulation 18 of the Regulations are as follows: