Hyndburn’s New Local Plan

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Gypsy and Traveller policy and site options consultation documents

The Council published a public consultation paper on 16th December 2020 under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 in relation to its emerging new Local Plan.

The consultation is now closed but for information, a brief summary and links to the relevant documents is provided below:

Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Policy Consultation: documents set out a proposed policy approach to addressing the specific needs of gypsy and travellers in Hyndburn. They include a consultation paper setting out a proposed sequential policy approach to provision, and details of potential new sites to help meet the need for pitches identified over the emerging Local Plan period to 2036.

Additional supporting documents set out the Sustainability Appraisal of site options identified, and a Responses Form to provide comments. The recently published Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment which prompted the need for this consultation can be found on the Council’s Local Plan housing evidence base page.

During the consultation, the opportunity was also presented to make any final “Call for Sites” submissions.  This has now closed.