Milnshaw Park

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Local groups that support the Park


The Hyndburn Green Spaces Forum

The Hyndburn Green Spaces Forum, a charity dedicated to improving the green spaces of Hyndburn have played an important role in the improvements within Milnshaw Park in recent years helping to raise grants for the multi-use ballcourt,  children’s play area and pump track.


Hyndburn Leisure

The local Leisure Trust have installed an outdoor gym within the park following funding from Sport England they engage with local people within the park though a local community fitness app and run sessions to use the outdoor gym and other facilities within the park regularly.


The Hyndburn Butterfly Project

The Hyndburn Butterfly Project completed a wildflower meadow in Milnshaw Park in 2018. The first year saw predominantly annual flowers, subsequent years have been dominated by the perennials. The meadow has attracted many butterflies to the park and has been very successful. Funding for this project came from the Windfall Fund. The group have also been involved in wildlife friendly planting in other areas of the park.


The Lancashire Wildlife Trust

The Lancashire Wildlife Trust have been involved in Milnshaw Park, encouraging volunteers to get active and help with the planting of some wildlife friendly plants within the park.