Neighbourhood Planning in Hyndburn

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Clayton le Moors and Altham Neighbourhood Plan

In 2012 the Council received an application from the Clayton le Moors and Altham Neighbourhood Group in the first step in creating a Neighbourhood Plan.

The group submitted a forum and area which can be downloaded below.

The Forum consists of a written constitution which the Clayton le Moors and Altham group have put forward

The Area, a boundary has been drawn up by the group which consists of Clayton le Moors ward and Altham ward (which is not part of Altham Parish)

Supporting Information – Supporting Information explaining why is it an appropriate neighbourhood area and that the organisation putting the forum forward is appropriate

The consultation period on the proposed area and forum was between Wednesday 9 January to Friday 22 February 2013. A number of comments were received.


The Council formally agreed to designate the Neighbourhood Forum and Neighbourhood Area at the Cabinet meeting of 13 March 2013. The Forum can now begin to write a plan for the designated Area. After designation, no other organisation or body may be designated for that neighbourhood area until that designation expires (5 years from the date of designation) or is withdrawn.