Council opens £80,000 grants scheme for community

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The small grants scheme has now launched and is open to charitable or community groups based in Hyndburn.

On 21st June 2023 Hyndburn Council’s Cabinet agreed to create a ‘Community Chest Grants Scheme’ utilising a budget of £80,000 to be shared equally throughout the 16 ward areas in Hyndburn.

Established charities and community groups across all ward areas are invited to bid for the funding from the Community Chest, with a maximum individual award available of up to £5,000 per organisation, with the project to be delivered in a specific ward area.


Cllr Peter Britcliffe, Joint Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Resources, said:

“We know that small grants go a very long way when in community hands and I hope this scheme will elevate work already happening across the borough, support existing activity, whilst also launching some new projects and ideas. The funding has been split equally across ward areas, so that activity will benefit all.


“I am very proud to have created this brand new ‘Community Chest Grants Scheme’. It will empower our community to make a real difference to residents and I am looking forward to reading all the ideas put forward.


“I would like to encourage all local organisations to bid and if people know of a community group already doing great work, please let them know about this opportunity for further funding.”


The application process is now open, can be accessed by the Hyndburn Borough Council website, and will close on the 15th December.


All applications will be evaluated by the Cabinet Working Group, who will determine the awards being granted. The priorities for funding are projects and services which meet the two themes of ‘Communities and Collaborative Working’ and ‘Environment and Climate Change’.


Successful awards are set to be announced in early 2024 and it is expected that projects will commence shortly after this.


The simple online application form invites organisations to demonstrate how their project would meet various criteria such as how plans would benefit a range of residents and how progress of the activity will be monitored.


Full information about the Community Chest Grants Scheme can be found at: