Do you know the law about waste disposal?

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Did you know that you are legally responsible for ensuring your waste is disposed of correctly when passed on to a third party for recycling or disposal?

If your waste ends up fly tipped, you could be issued with a £400 FPN or face an unlimited fine.

You must be sceptical of people that offer to take your waste as a favour or quote a suspiciously low price. Signs to look out for are; insisting paying via cash, not providing an official receipt or details of where the waste will be taken to. 

Always ask for a full business address & telephone number and to see a Waste Carrier License which are issued by the Environment Agency or Natural Resources Wales. Also, establish where the waste is being taken to and the permit number. This will ensure legitimacy of the individual/or business.

To check where your waste is being disposed, contact the Environment Agency directly on Tel: 08708 506 506 and ask for a free instant Waste Carrier Validation Check, alternatively you can check here. 

By following these steps, you are ensuring you are acting within the law when disposing waste.