Great Harwood Clock Tower Upgrades Confirmed  

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£1,500 of funding has been allocated to repair Mercer Memorial Clock Tower in Great Harwood and plans to establish an ongoing maintenance budget are underway.

Cllr Marlene Haworth, Leader of the Council, said:

“I am pleased to confirm that I have allocated £1,500 to the Great Harwood Civic Group from my Leader’s budget for repair works to the Mercer Memorial Clock Tower. This is following a request that came directly to me from County Councillor, Cllr Carole Haythornthwaite after the community approached her asking for help. 

“In addition to this I am now working alongside officers at the council to establish an ongoing annual budget for repair and maintenance work, ensuring we prevent this extent of work being needed again in the future.”

The Leader’s budget is available for community organisations in Hyndburn to request funding for essential work or activity that benefits local residents. Funding can be requested directly from the Leader, Cllr Haworth, through email or letter.

The announcement of funding allocation and ongoing work to create a maintenance budget for the Mercer Memorial Clock Tower follows the recent news of new lighting installations confirmed for both Rishton and Oswaldtwistle War memorials. Cllr Britcliffe and Cllr Smithson have been working to finalise these plans.

These plans are set to upgrade the two memorials through improvements, maintenance, and feature lighting. This lighting would be similar to that already seen on the Mercer Memorial Clock Tower in Great Harwood.

Cllr Haworth continued:

“Our memorials across the borough are a focus point for the community and I know are important when marking various occasions, as a place people gather and come together.

“I am pleased to be able to help the community with these important repairs, establish an ongoing maintenance plan for the future and also invest in the additional facilities like we have planned for Rishton and Oswaldtwistle memorials. Cllr Danny Cassidy is also making arrangements to add the names of heroes that are currently missing from our various War Memorials.”








Image: Cllr Britcliffe and Cllr Smithson discussing lighting installation plans with contractor at Oswaldtwistle War Memorial