Great Harwood Play Area Set for Refurbishment

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Councillors standing on green field outside play area.

Families in the south of Great Harwood have a new reason to look forward to the summer holidays this year, as Hyndburn Borough Council, in collaboration with local community groups, announces plans for a brand-new play area at Masefield Close. The project, developed through extensive community consultation, aims to provide a much-needed update to the local play facilities, offering a range of inclusive and modern play equipment for children of all abilities.

The existing play area at Masefield Close has provided limited play opportunities, with outdated equipment, much of which has been removed. The removal of swings in 2021 highlighted the urgent need for an upgrade.

The design of a new play area has been significantly influenced by the local community, including feedback from two nearby schools, St. Wulstan’s Roman Catholic Primary School and Great Harwood Primary School. It will provide a vibrant and safe space for local families to enjoy.

Local children were given the opportunity to select their preferred play equipment, ensuring the final design meets the expectations and needs of its young users. An online survey further supported the design process, receiving 136 responses that helped shape the project’s direction.

The play area will include 12 new pieces of play equipment, catering to a wide age range and abilities. Highlights include an inclusive roundabout, a trampoline, a cableway, extra swings, three different slides and improved access.

Councillor Steven Smithson, Deputy Leader of the Council said “The introduction of the new play area at Masefield Close represents a significant investment in the well-being of Great Harwood’s youngest residents and their families. By responding to the community’s feedback, the Council and its partners are set to deliver a facility that will enhance the quality of play in the area for years to come. The project highlights the Council’s commitment to creating vibrant, inclusive, and accessible outdoor spaces for all of our community.”


IMAGE – Councillors Carole Haythornthwaite and Steven Smithson pictured outside Masefield Close Play Area