Hyndburn Borough Council Cabinet members 2023/2024

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Cabinet Members 2023/24. Left-Right, back row: Cllr Khan, Cllr Younis, middle row: Cllr Pratt, Cllr Cox, Cllr Mahmood, front row: Cllr Smithson, Cllr Haworth, Cllr Britcliffe 

Cllr Marlene Haworth, Leader of Hyndburn Council:

“In May Hyndburn Council’s cabinet were chosen and since then they have been working hard as ward councillors, alongside delivering priorities within their portfolios.

“Whilst some of these roles will be familiar staples to many, we have also created several new cabinet roles this year to reflect the major transformational works that are ongoing within Hyndburn.

“The Cabinet are required to make decisions which are in line with the Council’s overall policies and budget. Each Cabinet member is responsible for a different area of the Council’s work, which is called a ‘portfolio’, and means they ace as representative for that area authority, to give political direction on the subjects. They support council officers who work within the area of their portfolio, co-operating to create policy documents and help to deliver on strategic projects.

“I am so pleased to take the time to officially introduce our new cabinet members for 2023/24 to the residents of Hyndburn and to outline a little further about what each portfolio holder is responsible for.

“Throughout the coming year, each cabinet member will be producing a column to update residents about their own area of work, providing the latest information on the ongoing projects that they are involved with, offering insights into their work.”



Cllr Peter Britcliffe, Joint Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Resources

Cllr Britcliffe is a joint deputy leader of the council which means that he is responsible for deputising for Cllr Haworth, Leader of the Council, on those occasions where the Leader is unable to carry out her duties. He shares this responsibility with Cllr Smithson.

As the portfolio holder for Resources, Cllr Britcliffe is responsible for all things relating to the financial strategy of the Council, including budget processes, revenues and benefits services, auditing function, human resources and organisational development. He is also responsible for health and safety matters, as well as constitution and corporate governance.


Environmental Services

Cllr Steven Smithson, Joint Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services

Cllr Smithson is the joint deputy leader of the council which means that he is responsible for deputising for Cllr Haworth, Leader of the Council, on those occasions where the Leader is unable to carry out her duties. He shares this responsibility with Cllr Britcliffe.

As the portfolio holder for Environmental Services, Cllr Smithson is responsible for helping the council to meet all priorities relating to the quality of the local environment. This includes all policies relating to waste management and enforcement, refuse and recycling collections, street cleaning, parks and open spaces, grounds maintenance, cemeteries and crematoria, environmental health, and more.


Levelling Up

Cllr Mohammed Younis, Portfolio Holder for Levelling Up

Cllr Younis holds one of the new portfolios created for 2023/24. The role of portfolio holder for Levelling Up comes in response to the successful bid to the UK Levelling Up Fund at the start of this year. With almost £26 million secured for Hyndburn to deliver three major transformative projects across Accrington Market Hall, Market Chambers and Burton Chambers, Cllr Younis will support Council officers in delivering on all these projects that relate to the Levelling Up Fund and UK Shared Prosperity Fund.


Housing and Regeneration

Cllr Kathleen Pratt, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Regeneration

Cllr Pratt plays a key role as portfolio holder for Housing and Regeneration in supporting the Council to deliver their work with key partners and stakeholders in the community to improve outcomes for residents.

At the heart of her role is liaison, working both with Council officers to deliver projects relating to housing and neighbourhoods, but also liaising with housing associations and private sector housing providers. She is responsible for taking direction on community safety and asset management/maintenance, as well as the customer focused side of cabinet strategy.


Communities, health and wellbeing

Cllr Sajid Mahmood, Portfolio Holder for Communities Health and Wellbeing

Cllr Mahmood supports Council operations that work to improve outcomes for residents through the promotion of public health and social care. This includes co-operating with Council officers on all matters relating to vulnerable communities, including older people and vulnerable adults, as well as children, young people and families. He liaises with the community and voluntary sector, with a strong focus on equality, diversity, cohesion and integration at the heart of his work.

He is also responsible for licensing, supporting projects such as the ongoing consultations around licensing and the changing of certain requirements within the Taxi and Private hire Licensing Policy.


Economic Development and Sustainability

Cllr Zak Khan, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Sustainability

Cllr Khan’s portfolio responsibility of Economic Development and Sustainability is also a newly created role for 2023/24, helping to support the Council in their efforts to achieve Net-Zero carbon emissions by 2030. This includes supporting ongoing projects such as the decarbonisation of the Leisure Trust that was set in motion in 2022 and the switch from diesel fuel to HVO within the Council fleet, to name just a few examples.

This portfolio area also includes economic development and growth within the borough of Hyndburn, including business support and education, skills, employment and worklessness to help support opportunities for residents in their personal and professional development.


Leisure Transformation and Leisure Trust

Cllr Loraine Cox, Portfolio Holder for Leisure Transformation and Leisure Trust

As portfolio holder for Leisure Transformation and Leisure Trust, Cllr Cox acts as a pivotal liaison between Hyndburn Borough Council and Hyndburn Leisure Trust, the largest leisure provider in Hyndburn.

Her area of work includes collaborating with Council officers to see the ongoing redevelopment of Wilson Playing Fields, as well as offering strategic direction on several other ongoing leisure improvement projects.