Hyndburn Council Awarded Carbon Neutral Status for Third Year in a Row

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One Carbon World, a carbon neutral not-for-profit organisation and a global resource partner of the United Nations Climate Neutral Now initiative, have awarded Hyndburn Borough Council with the Carbon Neutral International Standard Status for a third year in a row. This status reflects the Council’s continuous efforts to measure their carbon footprint.

Hyndburn Council have worked in partnership with One Carbon World to measure the Council’s latest carbon emissions, with One Carbon World producing a report for the past three consecutive years to show emission levels and provide recommendations for the ways of decarbonising our operations in the short, mid, and long-term.

[Pictured: Cllr Zak Khan in Oswaldtwistle]

Cllr Zak Khan, Portfolio Holder for Sustainability, said:

“Here at Hyndburn Council, we continue to make sustainability a top priority in everything that we do, from considering new schemes to targeting our day-to-day operations. We constantly strive to turn our net-zero carbon emission ambitions into a tangible reality and our continued partnership with One Carbon World perfectly exemplifies that. It is a pleasure to work with the Council to assess new ways that we can reduce our carbon footprint, helping to make Hyndburn a greener place to live.”

Cllr Marlene Haworth, Leader of the Council, said:

“We are continuing to emphasise that Climate action is a key priority for Hyndburn Council. We are not interested in tokenism or simply talking about climate change being a problem – we are committed to implementing direct and meaningful action that will improve the lives and wellbeing of everyone who resides and works in Hyndburn.”

Hyndburn Borough Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and since then, significant efforts have been made to work toward their pledge for net-zero carbon activities by 2030 as an organisation, such as the decarbonisation of Hyndburn Leisure sites and the shift away from diesel fuel within Council fleet vehicles.

For more information about what Hyndburn Council are doing to combat carbon emissions as an organisation, head to: www.hyndburnbc.gov.uk/climate-change/