Mayoral Viewpoint: Cllr Terry Hurn

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As the nights draw in and temperatures slowly drop, it is fair to say that November may have been the busiest month of engagements yet for the Mayoress and I. Whilst I cannot talk about every event and engagement in the detail they deserve, please do know that the Mayoress and I are always genuinely honoured to be invited along to share these special moments with the community and we have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this past month.

We naturally began the month with a series of events, services and parades to mark Armistice Day and Remembrance for 2023. This time is always one of reflection and I think people (rightfully) assume it will be a sombre time but standing side by side with the local community, this Remembrance really foregrounded the importance of our oneness in Hyndburn.

We began our Remembrance-themed engagements with a poppy appeal fundraising event at Pendle Brook Care Home, who partnered with the Church and Oswaldtwistle branch of the Royal British Legion to create a superb afternoon. The Mayoress and I had a truly wonderful time meeting all of the team and residents at Pendle Brook Care Home, enjoying a fantastic afternoon of entertainment and live singing whilst raising funds and awareness for a brilliant cause.

The weekend continued with a service for Armistice Day held at the Accrington Pals Memorial, as well as a service at the Oakhill Park War Memorial and one at Oswaldtwistle War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday. This time of year reminds us of the past and present sacrifices made in service of our safety and freedom here in Hyndburn and further afield. Quite simply, I was honoured and humbled to attend these events in a Mayoral capacity, including the duty of laying the Hyndburn Council poppy wreaths and signing the Armed Forces Covenant this year. Thank you, Hyndburn.

In keeping with the theme of community spirit, the Mayoress and I attended an event held at Accrington Town Hall called “The Age of Inspiration”, aimed at bringing together those over 50 years old as part of Lancashire County Council’s Tackling Loneliness work. It was fantastic to see this event so well attended, with the afternoon offering practical support around health and wellbeing, as well as a range of entertainment.

There is certainly a seasonal hint beginning to creep into the air and this month’s engagements have definitely helped the Mayoress and I get into the festive spirit. We had a wonderful time attending the East Lancashire Hospice Christmas Fayre at Oswaldtwistle Mills Business Centre. The day was filled with festive treats, workshops for young children and wonderful handmade goods, made by the patients who attend the Hospice’s Creative and Support Therapies group. It was a real pleasure to once again support such a worthwhile cause and I would like to thank everyone who made us feel so welcome.

The mayoress and I also enjoyed a wonderful evening at the RAF Air Cadets’ annual awards evening this month, bringing together cadets and their families to celebrate the successes and qualifications gained over the past year. It was a pleasure to be invited along to share in these fantastic celebrations with everyone and everyone should feel tremendously proud of all of their hard work throughout the year to make the organisation what it is.

Christmas is such a wonderful time of the year and I am eagerly anticipating the coming month of engagements. All the organisers this month and beyond, as always, should be very proud of their work that goes into running both these events and their respective organisations throughout the year – your efforts do not go unnoticed!