Mayor’s Viewpoint: Cllr Terry Hurn

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It was wonderful to be invited to attend so many community-led engagements again this last month; I feel like I have seen some of the very best that our Borough has to offer. Whilst the weather has certainly been a mixed bag, the rain has not dampened the spirits of the community organisations and individuals who dedicate so much of their time to organising some brilliant events for the local area. I applaud everyone who has contributed, and continues to contribute, to making our area such an enjoyable place to work and reside in.

The month began with an invitation for both myself and the Mayoress to meet the East Lancashire Voices Connection Group, a self-advocacy group for people with autism and/or a learning disability, supported by People First Independent Advocacy. We thoroughly enjoyed meeting with everyone in the group and it was a real pleasure to hear the views and experiences of people within this community who reside in Hyndburn. The group are keen to work with us at Hyndburn Borough Council to help create a safer neighbourhood for people with disabilities and I hope that, going forward, we can support the group further in making meaningful connections across the wide range of communities that make-up Hyndburn.

We were also invited along to meet with the newly founded social group, British Pakistan Professional and Businesses Forum. This function was set up to consult members of the local community and different activists about the current challenges facing British Pakistani Professionals and Businessmen, helping them to perform to the best of their ability which in turn helps to strengthen the local and national economy. The group encourages diversity and inclusion within mainstream professions, and we heard some insightful testimony from leading professionals within this sector. It was a pleasure to be partake in this celebration of British Pakistani achievements and I would like to extend warm thanks to everyone for welcoming us along to the function.

This month, not only did the Mayoress and I have the great pleasure of meeting the CEO and Chairman of Trustees for East Lancashire Hospice, but we also had the opportunity to visit the hospice itself. Seeing the Hospice in action, the benefit that their services have on our community is simply undeniable. It was brilliant to meet with residents and staff as they went about their day-to-day operations and I can say with all certainty that I gained a real insight into all of the incredible hard work that goes into the charity’s endeavours. Thank you everyone for your ongoing efforts and commitment to the wellbeing of our local area.

As the skies finally began to clear, Great Harwood Civic Society’s Charity Fair was a fantastic chance to come together outdoors and enjoy the best that our community has to offer. Each year (except in the larger Charter Fair year), Great Harwood Civic Society hold a charity market which is a great chance for charity and community groups to promote themselves and raise funds through a variety of stalls and activities. The event was ushered in with the Town Crier’s annual Crying of the Fair, a tradition started in 1338!The joyful atmosphere of the day was contagious and it was fantastic to see people of all ages and backgrounds come together for the day to show their civic pride

Finally, I would like to take a moment to recognise the ongoing Town Twinning plans between Accrington and the Ukrainian town of Khust. I had the pleasure of attending a teleconference at the start of August that brought together representatives from Hyndburn Borough Council (including both Councillors and Officers), the Ukrainian community residing in Hyndburn as part of the Homes for Ukraine scheme, and Ukrainian professionals. This was a joyful meeting that nurtured connections across cultural barriers and fuelled enthusiasm for this larger project of Town Twinning. These plans are in the process of being formalised and I look forward to seeing the growth of these longer term relationships that unite our different cultures and heritage.

This month, not only did the Mayoress and I have the great pleasure of meeting the CEO and Chairman of Trustees for East Lancashire Hospice, but we also had the opportunity to visit the hospice itself. Seeing the Hospice in action, the benefit that their services have on our community is simply undeniable