Peel Park and the Coppice

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Local Groups Supporting the Park


The Friends of Arden Hall and the Coppice.

A group of local residents and interested parties meet regularly to discuss the park and any issues that may affect the area, they have helped to advise on the recent improvements and continue to help the area develop. New members are always welcome, for further details about the next meeting please contact the Parks Department on 01254 388 111 for further details.

The Prospects Foundation

The Prospects Foundation are a local Environmental Charity who work on environmental projects within Hyndburn and work closely with Hyndburn Borough Council to undertake environmental improvement projects at Peel Park including habitat management and tree planting, lead by the Local Nature Reserve Officer.

To find out more visit the Prospects project page.

Peel Park Bowling Clubs

Peel Park Bowling Club and the Coppice Bowling Club are based at Peel Park bowling green. It is also possible to use this facility if you have a bowling contract for the current season please contact the Parks Department on 01254 388 111 for further details.

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