Pavement Licence Applications under Consultation

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Business and Planning Act 2020.

Hyndburn Borough Council do hereby give notice that on Tuesday, 28 May 2024, Victoria Almond has applied for a ‘Pavement Licence’ at:

Tipsy Table, 39-43 Abbey Street, Accrington BB5 1EN                                                                                   

The application is: To place 4 tables and 12 chairs, for the purpose of supplying alcohol and food in the area at the following times:

Monday to Sunday:           10.00 to 21:00

Any person wishing to make representations to this application may do so by writing to:

Licensing Department
Scaitcliffe House
Ormerod Street

Or by: Email to

By Tuesday, 11 June 2024

The application and information submitted with it can be viewed on the Council’s website:

Signed    W Redferm

Dated  30 May 2024
