Properties Detrimental to Amenity

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Land and Buildings Detrimental to the Amenity of the Neighbourhood

The Housing and Environmental Standards Team can take action against properties which are adversely affecting the amenity because of their condition.  This can include properties with a combination of broken or boarded windows, graffiti, damage to walls, missing roof tiles, broken fencing etc. It can also include land which is overgrown with vegetation or with waste, scrap or debris on it.

If an officer assesses a property or piece of land and finds it to be detrimental to the amenity, they can require improvement works to be carried out by the owner.  If requests to carry out these works are not complied with, the owner of the land or property can be issued with a legal notice which requires works to be carried out within a strict time limit.  Failure to comply with this Notice can lead to the owner being prosecuted, and on conviction receiving a fine of up to £2,500, or works being carried out by the Council and the costs recovered from the owner.  Continued non-compliance with a Notice following a conviction can lead to a further prosecution and on conviction a further fine of up to £100 a day for every day the improvement works remain outstanding.

For more information contact the Housing and Environmental Standards Team.


Housing and Environmental Standards Team, Scaitcliffe House, Ormerod Street, Accrington, BB5 0PF

Tel: 01254 388111
