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Following a period of consultation Hyndburn Borough Council sought an urgent Cabinet decision on 7 July 2017 to designate a Private Landlord Selective Licensing Scheme for parts of Accrington and Church.  The reason for the urgency is to try to ensure that there is no gap between the existing licensing scheme which ends on the 30 November 2017 and the proposed new licensing scheme.

Subsequently, a submission was made to DCLG (Department of Communities and Local Government) on 12 July 2017 to seek Secretary of State confirmation to make a designation.

The Council’s Urgent Powers decision was reported to the Cabinet meeting on the 19 July 2017.

The application consisted of the following documents.

Document 1 – Letter to DCLG

Document 2 – Cabinet Report

Document 3 – Urgent Powers document

Document 4 – Street List (of streets within the proposed designation)

Document 5 – ‘Draft Consultation Proposal to Designate a Private Landlord Selective Licensing Scheme in parts of Accrington and Church’ (January 2017)

Document 6 – ‘Selective Licensing of Private Landlords – Your Opinion Counts’ (Summary Consultation document)

Document 7 – ‘Hyndburn Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy’

Document 8 – ‘Level of Compliance with Current Licensing Schemes’

Document 9 – Hyndburn Borough Council Designation of an Area for Selective Licensing 2017

Appendices to Cabinet Report

Appendix 1 – ‘Selective Licensing of Private Landlords’ Report on Consultation Findings (June 2017)

Appendix 2 – Hyndburn Landlord’s Submission and Hyndburn Borough Council’s response

Appendix 3 – Map of Proposed Designation

Appendix 4 – Proposal to Designate a Private Landlord Selective Licensing Scheme in parts of Accrington and Church (Designation Proposal Report)

Appendix 5 – Arc4 Report No 1 – Identifying Areas of Low Housing Demand (November 2016)

Appendix 6 – Arc4 Report No 2 – Comparable Housing Market Performance Across Hyndburn (May 2017)

Appendix 7 – Customer First Analysis