Waste and Recycling

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Interesting Recycling Facts

Did you know that?

  • We recycle around 1,800 tonnes of glass bottles and jars, that’s over 7 million bottles and jars.
  • We recycle around 1200 tonnes of mixed plastics, cans, tins, aerosols and clean tin foil, that’s almost three Airbus A380’s or over 130,000 kegs of beer!
  • 95% of energy is SAVED if cans are recycled into other cans and virgin materials are not used!
  • The same amount of energy needed to make 1 aluminium can is the same as recycling 20 used cans.
  • It only takes 25 two litre pop bottles to make one adult size fleece jacket?
  • Recycling a single plastic bottle can conserve enough energy to light a 10W light bulb for up to 36 hours!
  • We recycle around 2400 tonnes of paper, equivalent to over 12.5 million newspapers.
  • Daily newspapers contain almost 70% of recycled material!
  • We recycle around 1700 tonnes of green waste! That’s approximately 150 bin wagons loads sent to be turned into compost.

More Interesting Facts

  • There are approximately 4,000 glass bottles in a tonne
  • There are approximately 6,000 newspapers in a tonne
  • There are approximately 20,000 plastic bottles in a tonne
  • There are approximately 23,000 cans in a tonne
  • There are approximately 7,000 men’s shirts in a tonne
  • There are approximately 1,500 men’s jeans in a tonne
  • There are approximately 2,000 trousers in a tonne
  • There are approximately 14,000 children’s dresses in a tonne
  • There approximately 2,000 shoes/trainers in a tonne