Registration of Food Operators

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How to Register Your Food Business

To register your business, complete the Food Business Establishment Application Form. Registration cannot be refused and there is no charge. The form must be sent to us at –

Scaitcliffe House
Ormerod Street

Your application will not take effect until it is recieved at the address above. If you use premises in more than one local authority area, you must register with them separetely.

Seaonal businesses operating for a certain period each year should give the dates between which they will be open.

Once you have registered with us, you only need to notify us of a change of proprietor, if the nature of the business changes, or if there is a change of the address at which moveable premises are kept. The new proprietor will have to complete an application form.

If we wish to change the entry in the Register because of information which we receive from someone else, you will be given 28 days notice and an opportunity to comment on the proposed change.