Rhyddings Park

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Kitchen Garden


In May 2019 restoration of Rhyddings Park Coach House was completed and the Kitchen Garden was created following a successful bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund. The Kitchen Garden development is run in partnership with Hyndburn Borough Council and The Friends of Rhyddings Park CIO. Volunteers and a part time community gardener look after the garden and facilitate community involvement.

There is a magnificent Victorian style glasshouse and a number of raised beds. Volunteers help grow fruit and vegetables, learn and develop their horticultural skills in a beautiful environment. There is an Apiary housing Rhyddings Rhyddings Park Kitchen GardenBees. We have the support of a Bee Keeper and volunteers are learning about Bee Keeping.

It’s fun and everyone is welcome in the Kitchen Garden, including our 4 legged friends.
To get involved and learn more about the Rhyddings offer, check out the FoRP website

(Rhyddings Park Kitchen Garden) and their Facebook page.