Rhyddings Park

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Improvements with Rhyddings Park 2017 - 2018


Lottery funded

Lottery funded

The coach house building within the park was restored in 2018 and a kitchen garden created. There is now a community run café and classroom within the restored building. There is also a glasshouse structure and a growing area of raised beds, some of the food grown within the kitchen garden being used in the cafe. Staff are employed to look after the new kitchen garden area and teach horticultural skills to local people and school children.

The grounds of the park have also been improved including the enhancement of the main entrances and providing a range of interesting features within the park such as an orchard, woodland walk, and formal gardens. A new events space has also been created on the oval area which at one time was an old play area, next to the Folly.

Some of the parks unique ornamental features have also been restored including a Japanese Lantern located in the parterre garden and the Edwardian drinks fountain, this is now in the new kitchen garden area as a focal point.

The project has been made possible through a collaboration between Hyndburn Borough Council, Friends of Rhyddings Park, Bootstraps, Newground and the Heritage Lottery Fund.