Safer Food Better Business (SFBB)

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How does SFBB Work?

The SFBB includes –

  • Series of fact sheets, based on the FSA’s Food Hygiene 4 Cs campaign: Cooking, Chilling, Cleaning and Cross-contamination, detailing how key areas of food preparation and handling are dealt with safely.  The sheets provide guidance on standards of food safety and offer alternatives and advice. They combine the most important aspects of food safety and good hygienic practice.
  • A section to help the business manager deal with basic supervision and management issues.
  • A simple daily diary forming the record-keeping requirement.

By adopting methods in the pack, businesses are following pre-approved/ validated advice.  Safe methods are based on traditional catering craft skills.

The diary is used to record simple opening and closing checks, any problems that happened that day and most importantly what was done to rectify the problem.  The 4-weekly review is used to check that the food safety management system and control measures are effective.