Self-Build Register

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Registering Your Interest in Self and Custom Build

If are interested in self-build and you wish to be included on Hyndburn Borough Council’s self-build register, please email details set out below to

If you are applying as an individual you must, at a minimum, provide the following information in your email:

  • your name, address, contact number, date of birth and nationality;
  • confirmation that you meet all the eligibility criteria;
  • confirmation that you are seeking (either alone or with others) to acquire a serviced plot of land in Hyndburn to build a house to occupy as your sole or main residence; and
  • any particular requirements relating to the plot (size, broad location) and the type of dwelling you would be seeking to build (e.g. detached / bungalow and no. of bedrooms).

If you are applying as an association you must, at a minimum, provide the following information in your email:

  • the name, address and contact number of the association;
  • the name, address, date of birth and nationality of each member of the association;
  • the name, address and contact number of the lead contact;
  • confirmation that all members of the association meet all the eligibility criteria;
  • confirmation that each member of the association is seeking (either alone or with others) to acquire a serviced plot of land in the relevant authority’s area to build a house to occupy as that individual’s sole or main residence;
  • the number of serviced plots of land in Hyndburn the members of the association are seeking to acquire; and
  • any particular requirements relating to the plot(s) (size, broad location) and the type of dwelling(s) you would be seeking to build (e.g. detached / bungalow and no. of bedrooms)

Additional information that would be helpful to supply at this stage, but not essential for inclusion on the register, would be details of:

  • your connection to Hyndburn (live, work, family etc.);
  • the maximum amount of finance available to purchase a plot for self-build;
  • how the self-build will be financed; and
  • anticipated timescale of delivery if a site became available