Standards Committee

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The Role of the Monitoring Officer

The Council is required by law to appoint one of its employees as its monitoring officer. Hyndburn’s monitoring officer is:

Jane Ellis
Executive Director (Legal and Democratic Services)
Scaitcliffe House
Ormerod Street

The monitoring officer has a statutory role, with a number of specific functions including issues relating to ethical standards. Hyndburn’s monitoring officer works closely with the chair of the Standards Committee.  Please download a copy of the Monitoring Officer’s Protocol

The monitoring officer acts as an adviser to the Standards Committee, which involves:

  • Making sure that the Standards Committee understands its powers and procedures;
  • Making sure that the procedure for dealing with complaints is fair and efficient;
  • Making sure that the councillor who is the subject of a complaint understands the procedures the Standards Committee will follow;
  • Providing advice to Standards Committee about law and procedures when complaints are being dealt with.