Volunteering in Hyndburn’s Parks

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Friends of the Park Groups


Within Hyndburn there is a network of community groups supporting the local environment and green spaces. Each group has a keen interest in their local park and meet regularly to discuss and advise in the development of the park and feedback to the Council any issues that they may have, many groups also take an active role in the park such as planting bulbs in autumn and some routine maintenance. As a group they also offer local views and opinions as to how the park should develop to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the community that it serves.

Many groups have also successfully secured funding to improve their local park and Hyndburn’s parks have benefited from many free events over the years, thanks to the various groups.

The Hyndburn Green Spaces Forum (HGSF)Hyndburn Green Spaces Forum

In Hyndburn the volunteer network is so strong that an overarching group was established, the Hyndburn Green Spaces Forum (HGSF), this is a community lead group, with representatives from the various friends of groups, where knowledge, advice and experiences can be shared.

The HGSF meet regularly and further information can be found on their Facebook pages.

Find out more

If you would like any further information regarding groups in your area or about joining one of the groups please contact us on 01254 388 111 or Enquiries@hyndburnbc.gov.uk.