Volunteering in Hyndburn’s Parks

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Information for existing community groups - Our Lancashire


Our Lancashire is a Lancashire wide initiative to bring groups and communities together to make Lancashire a greater place to live, work and play.  Supported by public services and organisations across Lancashire this is the one stop shop for groups and events.

Our Lancashire is much more than just a website!  Our ambition to support local groups in Lancashire is endless.  We already know how fabulous groups are in Lancashire because we have been working alongside them for a very long time and we know what they contribute to our communities and how they make people feel.  Whether it be running coffee mornings, looking after a local park, looking out for your neighbour, hosting a book club or running a community football team, we value what you bring and want to support the great work you do in putting a smile on people’s faces.

We aim to provide groups with a network that enables them to connect with other groups, attract interest for their events or encourage people to join.  By Bringing groups together in one place we think we can make Lancashire’s communities stronger.

Our Lancashire is free, we don’t charge any joining fee, any advertising fees or any commission, we are there as a free resource for the people of Lancashire.