Volunteering in Hyndburn’s Parks

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Recent Improvements to Hyndburn's Parks


Hyndburn Borough Council has worked with various groups to help develop the parks and help to meet with changing demands. The list below documents some of the major developments carried out in the borough’s parks in the last few years.

Rhyddings Park

A new multi-use games area with a sustainable drainage system in 2010 thanks to Friends of Rhyddings Park.

A bowling green fence, improvements to the paths and drainage in 2011.

A new woodland play area in 2009.

Heritage Lottery grant received for park refurbishment and completed in 2018. This involved the restoration of the Coach House within the park and created a kitchen garden, complete with glass house growing facility. An amphitheatre and café were also created. Improvements to the entrances were also made.

Milnshaw Park

A bowling green fence and improved seating in 2008.

Major path improvements in 2014.

A multi-use games area in 2016.

New play area installed 2019.

New outdoor gym installed 2019.

New bowls pavilion and community building completed 2020.

A pump track installed in 2021.

Peel Park

Improvements to all major paths within Arden Hall, Peel Park and the Coppice over 2010- 2013.

A refurbished monument at the top of the Coppice overlooking Accrington in 2009.

Path improvements leading from the bowling green at Peel Park to the monument on the Coppice and also improvements to ‘the steps’ at the top of Avenue Parade in 2009.

A new entrance feature at the Avenue Parade Entrance 2011.

Archaeological community dig at Arden Hall in 2012.

A play area extension in late 2014.

The area given Local Nature Reserve Status in 2018

Green Flag status attained from 2018.

Management of the heather on the top of the coppice in 2019 and 2022.

Acquistion of Pleck Meadow to extend the Local Nature Reserve in 2018.

Enhancements to the northern entrance (at the top of Peel Park Avenue) in 2020.

Local Nature Reserve Officer appointed to help manage Peel Park and the Coppice LNR. 2021.

Oak Hill Park

A multi-use games area in 2011.

A refurbished duck pond area in 2012 thanks to Woodnook Residents Community Association.

Mercer Park

A new sensory garden in 2012 thanks to Friends of Mercer Park.

A new outdoor gym in 2016.

A new skateboard park in 2019.

Haworth Park

A new rose garden in 2012 thanks to Baxenden Community Forum.

Drainage and path improvements to the grass area next to the rose garden thanks to Baxenden Community Forum.

Gatty Park

Improved and resurfaced paths, a bowling green fence, refurbished play area, improved car parking for disabled patrons, new planting and interpretation in 2007.

Memorial Park

Improvements to the parks drainage and some pathworks including improved access to the war memorial in 2012.

Lowerfold Park

A refurbished play area carried out over 2 phases in 2009 and 2011 thanks to Hyndburn Green Spaces Forum.

A bowling green fence in 2011.

Removal of an old timber bowls pavilion in 2021.

A new multi-use games area in 2022.

Refurbished tennis courts in 2022.

A partially refurbished play area in 2022.

Access improvements in 2022.

Bullough Park

Improved parking facilities in 2007.

A multi-use games area in 2008.

A new play area extension in 2016.

Improvements to access to the nearby countryside in Woodnook Vale in 2015.

Removal of the bowling green in 2021.