Wind Turbine Applications

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Existing Wind Turbine Applications

There are a number of wind turbines in Hyndburn, either a single turbine on a site or wind farms.

All current, approved, and refused applications for wind turbines in Hyndburn, can be found on our online mapping system using the link below to Search for Wind Turbines.

There is also a downloadable list of applications from January 2000, showing the turbine grid reference for recent applications, the decision, and in some cases whether the turbines are in operation. The list can be found by following the link below.

Wind turbine applications can also be found by entering ‘wind turbine’ in the Street Name search box on the search planning applications page (link below).

There is also a South Pennine Wind Energy Database for turbines over 18m with some information extracted from the applications, and it also shows turbines in some adjoining areas. This is not updated as quickly as our website.